Boat | Water Craft Insurance

Why Do You Need Boat Insurance?

Your boat is an investment that means a lot to you, and knowing that your boat is protected so to be ready for a day trip on the water is an important aspect beyond knowing that you will be financially covered if something happens.

It is no less important to have the best boat insurance policy from a reliable boat insurance company, so that you are always safe in the most unexpected circumstances.

A good boat insurance policy not only covers the boat, but also helps protect you and your boat from adverse events such as accidents, collision, physical damage and theft, in addition to medical coverage and damage by third-parties, whether on the water or on land.

Boat insurance also covers the cost of salvaging a sunken boat, towing services and towing coverage and cleaning up any oil spills.

It is also important to remember that boat insurance is often required by your state, your marina and/or your boat finance company (if applicable).

Our Carrier’s provides a comprehensive suite of boat insurance coverage tailored specifically for your boating needs.

  • Vanishing deductible if you do self-inspection
  • Coverage for your cell phone if it falls overboard (Applicable to phones that have installed the Carriers! Mobile App)*
  • Stolen boat retrieval assistance
  • Collision coverage, including hitting another boat, boating accidents, such as hitting a submerged object, dock, or another boat
  • Comprehensive coverage, including theft, vandalism, fire, sunken boat, common risks, grounding and damage on the water from weather
  • Uninsured/Underinsured boaters coverage
  • Boating & ownership in the USA
  • Liability coverage, including third-party damages and injuries, dock, and fuel spill
  • Medical coverage for people on your boat
  • Fishing equipment
  • Personal effects
  • On-water towing
  • Roadside assistance
  • Boat rental reimbursement
  • Boating & ownership in the USA
  • Wreckage removal

Coverage for speed/motor boats, fishing boats, sailboats, PWCs and much more. Right now, we cover boats up to 40 feet, 40 years in age and $500K in value with some accommodation for larger boats. Our intention is to be able to cover boats of all sizes and values soon.

A deductible is the amount of money you must pay out of your own pocket before your boat insurance policy kicks in. Typically, the higher your deductible, the lower your premium.

Our Carriers has streamlined online process which will suggest to you a few insurance packages which will differ in their deductible so you can make an informed decision. You will also be able to customize a package to your specific needs, including the deductible level.

Our insurance representatives who could be reached at 559-575-0007 can help you create a policy that balances your individual needs with a premium and deductible you can afford.

Boat insurance may be required for a variety of reasons. Some states require that you have boat insurance. Marinas may require you to have boat insurance in order to dock your boat there. Additionally, if you take out a loan to buy a boat, the lender will most likely require that you purchase boater’s insurance.